Helen Edelman, "Heritage of the sufragettes", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1955 August 26
Emma Lazarus Jewish Women's Clubs of Los Angeles, notecards for speech "Thirty Five Years of Women's...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Newspaper clippings of photos of Suzy Harris Rytting with others, taken in the 1940s-1950
Freida Gibbs, "Union women fight to save jobs", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1955 August 1...
Clipping from People's World Magazine, 1953 March 06. Articles focus on women in honor of Internatio...
Carl Hirsch, "Union women counter-attack", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1955 May 27
Newspaper clipping from People's World Magazine, volume 19, number 14, 1956 January 20
Carl Hirsch, "Top-ranking woman union leader", clipping from People's World Magazine, volume 18, num...
Ione Kramer, "The American woman's fight for equality", clipping from National Guardian, 1955 March ...
Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.Forms...
Newspaper clipping from Daily People's World, volume 18, number 153, 1955 August 08
Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.Forms...
50 Years Women's Suffrage, Emma Lazarus Jewish Women's Clubs, Los Angeles, California, USA, Serviced...
Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.Forms...
Sylvia Jarrico, "Hollywood attack on women", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1953 August 28
Emma Lazarus Jewish Women's Clubs of Los Angeles, notecards for speech "Thirty Five Years of Women's...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Newspaper clippings of photos of Suzy Harris Rytting with others, taken in the 1940s-1950
Freida Gibbs, "Union women fight to save jobs", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1955 August 1...
Clipping from People's World Magazine, 1953 March 06. Articles focus on women in honor of Internatio...
Carl Hirsch, "Union women counter-attack", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1955 May 27
Newspaper clipping from People's World Magazine, volume 19, number 14, 1956 January 20
Carl Hirsch, "Top-ranking woman union leader", clipping from People's World Magazine, volume 18, num...
Ione Kramer, "The American woman's fight for equality", clipping from National Guardian, 1955 March ...
Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.Forms...
Newspaper clipping from Daily People's World, volume 18, number 153, 1955 August 08
Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.Forms...
50 Years Women's Suffrage, Emma Lazarus Jewish Women's Clubs, Los Angeles, California, USA, Serviced...
Title from unverified data provided by the Bain News Service on the negatives or caption cards.Forms...
Sylvia Jarrico, "Hollywood attack on women", clipping from People's World Magazine, 1953 August 28
Emma Lazarus Jewish Women's Clubs of Los Angeles, notecards for speech "Thirty Five Years of Women's...
Title from unverified data provided by the National Photo Company on the negatives or negative sleev...
Newspaper clippings of photos of Suzy Harris Rytting with others, taken in the 1940s-1950